Save a Pup Fund
Just as unpredictable as the weather, the number and types of animals needing rescue each year can vary substantially. The Save A Pup Fund is a collection of on-site cash donation boxes that guests contribute to knowing that the moneys will be directed to rescue organizations most currently in need. In 2013, an Unusual Mortality Event (UME) resulted in over 1,400 sea lion pups stranding near death on California shores. To care for this many animals would have been impossible for any one facility, so the animals were divided up to a number of stranding centers, marine parks and aquariums. The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which oversees the management of wild sea lion populations, funneled donations – including those made by our guests – to the facilities that needed funding during this unprecedented event. As a result, over 50% of the animals were successfully rehabilitated and released back into the wild.
In the Bahamas, not all the dogs needing rescue are wild animals! Located on the outskirts of Marsh Harbour in Abaco, Bahamas, the Abaco Shelter provides a sanctuary for stray and abandoned dogs. The Shelter affords green space for dogs to exercise whilst providing safe, clean shelter and sponsors several spay and neuter clinics each year to responsibly reduce the number of stray and unwanted dogs on the island. Supported strictly by volunteers and donations from the public, The Abaco Shelter relies on contributions – like from the Save A Pup Fund – to continue this valuable work for domestic animal rescue in The Bahamas.