Our Commitment
Dolphin Encounters-Project BEACH (The Bahamas Education Association for Cetacean Health) is a non- profit affiliate of the Dolphin Encounters facility located on Blue Lagoon Island in The Bahamas. Our mission is to provide unique opportunities for marine education in an informal setting for Bahamian educators and children.
We instill and foster in our guests a respect and caring for marine mammals and their environment, emphasizing a strong active commitment to conservation and research which benefit our animals and their wild counterparts.
To fulfill this mission, Project BEACH developed an array of innovative programs specifically for educators and children in order to inspire a greater appreciation of the Ocean on which we all depend. We also aim to bridge the gap between marine education resources and schools in The Bahamas.
All programs have been developed in close consultation with Bahamas Department of Education Standards, the National Science Teachers Association Standards and BREEF (Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation).